Newsletter – A Gin-filled Christmas!

Newsletter – Friday 6th December

Happy Friday Team!!!

It’s December!!! Hooray! I’m a happy girl! It’s family tradition for the decorations to go up on the 1st December so my tree is up and the house is smothered in fairy lights. What are your family traditions? Anyone fancy sharing them with us? If you do, its

I love seeing what other people do for Christmas. People have so many little traditions and ways to do it. All these wonderful little ways of celebrating the same thing. For me, one of my favourite things about Christmas is that it gives people the opportunity to spend a little more time with their friends and family than they normally would. It’s so important to snatch those opportunities when they arrive, so you get out there and share some love.

Plus, lets be honest, so many goodies! I’m not big on giving big expensive presents. I prefer to make things. This year I’m infusing some gin with pears, poached in mulled cider. In previous years I’ve done a spiced berry gin. It’s really easy to do. When I get mine started, I’ll take a few photos and share it in a newsletter with a how to, in case you want to give it a whirl yourselves. And, that’s not the only boozy treat I’ve got for my loved ones! I’ve got gin filled baubles on my tree and I’ve organised some fabulous crackers that contain a miniature and a can of mixer. If you want to buy some similar, check out Fever Tree as they’ve just brought some out. Hopefully that should keep the family happy, haha!

We’ve got some great deals on this week. And good news! If you do want to order a little something from us for a loved one then you’ve still got until the 17th of December to do it for it to arrive by Christmas!

Have a fabulous week you lovely bunch. Let’s get this advent party started!

Bernie & The G&R Team

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