Newsletter – Dry January Mocktails

Newsletter – Friday 10th January

Happy Friday Team!

How are we feeling, anyone got the January blues? It’s a tough month for sure. How many of you are doing dry January? Did last week’s mocktails help you? Well, don’t you worry, I’ve got a few more to suggest, to help you through the next couple of weeks. You’re already a quarter of the way through, well done!

We like to keep January relatively quiet in respect of dry January. That said, we’ve got plenty to get on with prepping for festival season. We’ll be kicking off on Saturday the 14th March in Northampton. Now, we’d like to start giving you guys a little more information about these events, so I’m going to be researching the local area to give you a heads up on local bars and distilleries. If you have anywhere that you’d like to recommend to us, then feel free to drop me a line at I’m super keen to sniff out some great spots for you.

Now then, mocktails. Last week we covered the Motijo Mocktail, Pink Lemonade and Spiced Pina Colada Mocktail. Did you have a go at them? How did they come out? Do feel free to email me and met me know how it went, send a picture or two, you never know, we may feature it. This week I’m thinking of Januarys seasonal flavours. According to my research, January is all about citrus, which makes sense to me as during the dark winter we need lots of vitamin C to help fight off colds. But citrus can be a lot more interesting than your simple oranges, lemons and limes.


I’ve upped the game and scoured the internet to present you with 3 fantastic mocktail recipes that you can make at home:

Grapefruit and Thyme Mocktail – Citrus and herbaceous flavours go so well together. They’re a big hit in gins made in Italy and Spain. They look and smell divine as well as containing some fantastic properties:

Honey Sweetened Limeade with Strawberry and Basil – Sweet, delicious grown up fizzy pop. Bursting with flavour and wonderfully refreshing:

Sparkling Blueberry Lemonade – Blueberries are a favourite fruit of mine. They’re packed full of antioxidents and taste fantastic, with a  little bit of fizz this is a right thirst quenching little number:

Aren’t they just gorgeous?! And not only that, they’re delicious and good for you too. So get mixing and be sure to let me know how you get on.

Have a lovely week all, stay warm, look after yourself and each other.

Big January love from me and the G&R team x

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